Tuesday, March 17, 2020


As we commence this week amidst the global COVID19 scare, kindly let's observe these three golden rules in reducing the spread of Corona Virus.
We must comply to the rule number one, "Social Distancing". This must be 2 meters or 6 feet apart, it will help reduce the tidal wave of new infection and break the chain of transmission from a potentially infected person to an existing non infected person. We must also as much as possible avoid public gatherings and crowded places, this is not the best time for pubs, clubs, cinemas and other recreational places, we need to avoid such places for now.
We cannot over emphasize the rule of "Hand Washing" which has been found to be very potent in preventing infection transmission. We need to stick to the hand washing cultur
e more than ever before, this can never be too much, wash, wash and again wash. When you have reasons to leave your office for a public place, kindly proceed to the washroom to wash your hands upon return.
"Surfaces" have been a source of infection retention and owing to the fact that the newly published analysis that came out last week Wednesday, 11 March 2020 says the virus can remain viable on cardboard for up to 24 hours, on plastics and steel for up to 3 days, on copper for up to 4 hours and in the air for up to 3 hours. This has further strengthened the need for us to clean our surfaces as often as possible. A number of studies have also shown that common household disinfectants can effectively wipe away corona virus from surfaces. Disinfectants that have a concentration of 62% - 71% ethanol, 0.5% hydrogen peroxide or 0.1% sodium hypochlorite (bleach) can effectively inactivate corona virus in few minutes.
It is important to start looking at commonly shared items as door knobs, stair banisters and rails, elevator bottoms, television and AC remotes in hotels and bars and other items classified within same exposure bracket should be cleaned constantly with disinfectants.
We must also remember there are currently no treatment drugs for corona virus but the vaccine is 12 - 18 months away. We need to use improved hygiene behaviour to overcome the phase we are currently in.
Lastly, let us continue to encourage conversation along these lines and let's use employee/employees' family approach. We must encourage our employees and colleagues to also educate their family members and loved ones when they return home. An employee caring for an infected family member stands a great chance of bringing corona virus into the workplace and this could create a strong chain of infection. Mind you, from that infected employees, another employees could take the virus home to his or her family and the chain becomes endless.
Wishing you a safe week ahead.
Remember, we are all in this together. No one is self until everyone of us is safe.
Ehi Iden